5x7 Digital Prints Logo

Print Options


Providing digital print options that no one else offers

If you have resized or cropped your original images in other photo software (like Photoshop), please be sure that it is the same size (or aspect ratio) as the print that you are ordering to avoid further cropping.

Wallets are printed in pairs, or 2-Up on a single sheet. When cut in half, each wallet is 2½"x 3½". If you order 10 Wallet Pairs, you will receive a total of 20 wallet prints.


We offer eight different styles of borders for your prints. Borderless and white borders are available at no extra charge. The other six border types shown in the image on the right are available for a one-time setup charge of $3.00 per print size for your entire order. If you only want the border applied to certain prints, please explain in the Comments Box or by email to:



You can order a CD of all of the image files you send us for $5.00


This is a free special service available when you order 100 or more prints from the same image file. When this option is selected, we will mail you by US Postal Service 1st Class Mail, an actual test print for your approval prior to printing your order. Please allow 3-4 extra days for you to receive the proof print. On orders of 500 or more prints from the same image, the proof print approval is a requirement.. Once we receive your approval by email, we will print and mail your complete order within 24 hours.


We offer all prints in a choice of Glossy or Luster (Matte) finish on Fuji Crystal Archive Photographic Paper.


Most SLR digital cameras with changeable lenses create a digital image file that has an aspect ratio of 2:3. This means that the size of a full frame print would be proportionate to a height and length of 2:3.

The perfect fit "full frame" print sizes would be 4"x 6", 5"x 7½", 6"x 9", 6.67"x 10" (on 8x10 paper) 8"x 12" and 11'' x 16½''. If you are not sure if any cropping is necessary on your photos .please see the cropping screen when ordering


Most compact "point-and-shoot" digital cameras and many phones create a digital image file that has an aspect ratio of 3:4. This means that the size of a full frame print would be proportionate to a height and length of 3:4.

The perfect fit "full frame" print sizes would be 4"x 5.3", 4½"x 6", 6"x 8" and 9"x 12". other sizes that would be very close to full frame are 5"x 7", 8"x 10", 8½"x 11" and 11''x 14''. Be aware that 4"x 6" prints from most phones and small digital cameras will be slightly cropped. If you are not sure if any cropping is necessary on your photos, please use the cropping screen when ordering.

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